Anticipation and joy: Rowan-Virtua SOM Match Day reveals residency placements for Class of 2025

Anticipation and joy: Rowan-Virtua SOM Match Day reveals residency placements for Class of 2025


With Match Day envelopes in hand, 206 members of the Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine’s Class of 2025 gathered in nervous anticipation. In the ballroom of the Doubletree by Hilton in Cherry Hill, the atmosphere was abuzz as SOM students, like their peers across the country, ripped open their envelopes and learned where they would complete their residencies.  

The news was stellar and the room erupted in cheers, shrieks of joy, and congratulations.  

two SOM medical students show match day signs for VIrtuaIn all, 206 students – 99.5 percent of the Class of 2025 – matched with a residency program. This astronomical rate, expected to rise to 100 percent in the coming days, continues a Rowan-Virtua SOM trend of besting the national match rate for DO-granting medical schools.  

Speaking to his classmates, Class of 2025 President Srujan Dadi encouraged the crowd to reflect on the long journey from childhood dreamer to new doctor.

“I guarantee that wide-eyed, ambitious kid would be absolutely beaming knowing all their hard work got them here,” he said. “Not just into med school, but through a plethora of board exams, clinical rotations, and ultimately into a residency program that will allow them to finally achieve their ultimate dream of being a doctor.”

SOM Dean Dr. Richard Jermyn said that aside from an astonishingly high match rate, students in this year’s class were remarkable for their achievements in academics, research, and mission-driven work. 

“The Class of 2025 is redefining what’s possible and propelling our mission forward like never before,” he said. “They produced more peer-reviewed publications and national poster and conference presentations than any class in history. They hopped into vans and traveled to communities in need to tackle the opioid crisis. They worked in food distribution centers and showed incredible care for individuals with special needs. This class left an indelible mark on SOM, and that is your legacy.” 

Of those matching for residencies, 56 percent will pursue careers in primary care and 51 percent of the class will complete residency programs in New Jersey. Graduates matched for residencies in a wide range of specialties including internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine, and psychiatry.