Coming to campus Feb. 29: “Chain-Gang All-Stars” author Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Coming to campus Feb. 29: “Chain-Gang All-Stars” author Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah


Rowan University’s Department of Writing Arts welcomes New York Times best-selling author and National Book Award finalist Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah for a lecture in Boyd Recital Hall in Wilson Hall.

The free program, featuring an author reading, is paired with a campus book study.

Named a New York Times Top Ten Book of the Year and a finalist for the National Book Award in fiction, Adjei-Brenyah’s “Chain-Gang All-Stars” presents a dystopian view of the near future in which prisoners fight one another to the death.

Says publisher Penguin Random House: “‘Chain-Gang All-Stars’ is a kaleidoscopic, excoriating look at the American prison system’s unholy alliance of systemic racism, unchecked capitalism and mass incarceration, and a clear-eyed reckoning with what freedom in this country really means.”

The program on Feb. 29 runs from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Learn more and join the book study!