100 years. Hundreds of proud Profs. One historic photo.
100 years. Hundreds of proud Profs. One historic photo.

Rowan University pride is in their DNA.
So, of course, the Berenatos—Patrice ’78, Anthony ’74, and their son, Dan ’14—were on the University Green on Monday, Oct. 2, for a once-in-a-century photo to celebrate Rowan’s Centennial.
Altogether, nearly 700 Profs—students, employees, alumni, board members—gathered in front of Bunce Hall, the birthplace of the University, to form a giant 100 to mark the institution’s 100th birthday.
The Berenatos were in the front row of the second zero for the historic photo “op,” happily enjoying a summer-like day as the crowd, awash in gold Rowan 100 t-shirts, basked in Prof pride.
“They were the best years of my life,” said Patrice, a teacher in Hammonton. “I was very involved on campus. I had Glassboro State in my heart. Now, Rowan is in my heart.”
“This reminds you of how Rowan is growing and evolving all the time, but it still has that same core feeling,” said Dan, a writing arts alumnus.
A part of history
That was apparent as professors and students, alumni and administrators, longtime Rowan employees and recent hires filled in 1-0-0 numerals, posing for photos and drone fly-overs. The numbers measured 80 feet long and, altogether, more than 90 feet wide.
See photos and drone footage of the day in this View story.
“Not many people can say they’re a part of history,” said senior marketing major Ed Hernandez, who proudly joined in the photo with a number of his fellow Admissions Ambassadors. They filled in the second zero in the 100.
“We were the loudest ones,” he laughed. “It definitely made me proud to see a collection of so many people coming together.”
Sarah Fobes, a second-year employee, was one of a group of about a dozen carefully chosen professional staffers and directors to lead the effort to get all Profs into place.
“There were hundreds and hundreds of people. It was great to bring everybody together,” said Fobes, public relations and events coordinator for the College of Science & Mathematics. Fobes and her “teammates,” who even staged an all-hands-in cheer before beginning their work, were responsible for the first zero in the 100 formation.
‘There was a lot of Rowan pride’
They took on their work happily—and diligently.
“It was a once-in-a-century event and it really meant a lot to be part of it. We had the president, deans, undergrads, all departments, all divisions. Everyone had great energy. They were smiling and laughing and waving at the drones. There was a lot of Rowan pride.”
The teams organizing each number had some friendly competition, but it was all in good Prof fun, Fobes said.
“The No. 1 team thought they were No. 1, but we had a lot of middle zero pride,” boasted Fobes, who employed some of her organizing skills as a former kindergarten teacher to get the Profs into place.
“At the end, it got kind of specific as to where people needed to move. They told us the back of our zero was a little wonky, so all the volunteers went back there to fill it in.
“It was great to have everyone together to make it a great celebration for all. And it’s just the beginning.”
More Centennial celebrations
While the photo and drone footage will live on in Profs-terity, Centennial events will continue throughout the academic year with guest lectures, performances and other celebrations.
“Celebrating a Century,” is the theme for this year’s mega Homecoming Week, which culminates on Saturday, Oct. 14.
Visit the Centennial homepage for additional information.