Forbes names Rowan the 26th best state-based employer in N.J.

Forbes names Rowan the 26th best state-based employer in N.J.


Forbes this week released its tally of the best places to work in America and, in New Jersey, ranked Rowan University among them.

Forbes’ Aug. 22 special issue, America’s Best Employers By State, named Rowan #26 out of the 36 best N.J.-based employers in the Garden State.

In compiling the issue, Forbes wrote that it partnered with market research firm Statista “to survey a total of 70,000 full- or part-time employees in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia who work at companies with more than 500 workers nationwide. Participants were asked whether they would recommend their employer to friends and family, and to evaluate their employer based on criteria including working conditions, diversity, compensation packages, potential for development and company image.”

Forbes in past issues included Rowan among the “Top Colleges 2022,” among the best research universities, among the best in the northeast and a “Best Value College.”

The newspaper ROI-NJ, in a summary of the most recent Forbes study, noted that 89 N.J. employers made the 2023 best-of list but only 36 of them, including Rowan, are headquartered in the state.