Houshmand named most influential leader in higher education by ROI-NJ
Houshmand named most influential leader in higher education by ROI-NJ

Rowan University President Ali A. Houshmand has been named the most influential higher education leader in New Jersey by ROI-NJ, one of the state’s leading business publications.
“There’s only one issue with naming Rowan University President Ali Houshmand No. 1 in the 2022 ROI Influencers; Higher Education list. The honor may not be enough,” ROI-NJ states in its profile recognizing Houshmand.
In 10 years as president, Houshmand “has essentially transformed every aspect and facet of the campus,” ROI-NJ notes. “But the fact that he has done so while disrupting a higher education sector that needed disrupting — and done it in a way that has made Rowan a catalyst for economic development and economic mobility in South Jersey — separates Houshmand from his peers. And shows his total impact.
“Simply put,” the publication adds, “Rowan’s transformation under Houshmand’s leadership is a model for the state and the nation.”
In recognizing Houshmand, the publication notes the University’s extraordinary accomplishments during his tenure, including, among many other accomplishments: Rowan’s two medical schools and its partnership with South Jersey’s largest health system to create Virtua Health College of Medicine & Health Sciences of Rowan University; the University’s Carnegie R2 doctoral university classification, recognizing high research activity; and the state’s first veterinary school (pending accreditation).
ROI-NJ also has recognized additional leaders at Rowan for their influence. Listed among the Top 25 most influential deans and directors are: Ben Dworkin, founding director of the Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship; Ken Lacovara, founding dean of the School of Earth & Environment; and Annette Reboli, dean of Cooper Medical School of Rowan University.
Additionally, Eric Liguori of the School of Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the Rohrer College of Business is named a top higher education influencer in the area of entrepreneurship.
Rowan’s MBA in Cannabis Commercialization is recognized as the only AACSB-accredited program of its kind in the nation.