Stand with Ukraine

Stand with Ukraine

Dear Rowan University Community,

The invasion of Ukraine continues to bring suffering for Ukrainian people everywhere and for all who value peace and independence. It is, grievously, yet another painful moment in human history when innocent people fall victim to authoritarian aggression. As we join people around the world who are outraged and mourning the Putin administration’s assault, we are grateful for those courageously fighting the attack, those providing assistance and relief, those reporting the story and everyone, even within Russia, standing with the oppressed.

For each of us who know the right of a sovereign nation to dwell in safety and for its citizens to live without fear of military action, this is a moment in history we must answer for now—not once another aggressive regime preys upon another neighbor.

Land and sea separate Rowan University from the physical conflict in Eastern Europe now—and from troubles tearing apart other nations and peoples—but not from grieving the inestimable wounds or responsibility to support those still in danger. For Ukrainians within our Rowan family and those beyond, we offer deepest sympathy and our University’s commitment to speak on your behalf and to stand with you in recovery from such profound loss.​

Showing our solidarity
At the height of the Cold War, Rowan's Glassboro campus was the site of the 1967 U.S.-Soviet meeting to avert nuclear catastrophe. With this global history part of our own, I’m proud to commend the ongoing work of the Rowan Center for Study of the Holocaust, Genocide & Human Rights and the Hollybush Institute for Global Peace & Security. Both build upon our University community’s sense of global citizenship and responsibility to educate about the past and encourage a more secure, compassionate and hopeful future.

Today, in addition to our academic efforts, Rowan once again will stand against global violence by proudly wearing the colors of Ukraine as a symbol of our support for its people and all champions of democracy​. Starting with this weekend, with the men's basketball championship tournament, Rowan teams will wear warm-up jerseys showing support for Ukraine. The shirts also will be available for sale at the Student Center Information Desk, with all proceeds directed to Ukrainian relief.

More information will be available next week about the ways our University community will show solidarity with the oppressed and persecuted people of Ukraine and others amid atrocity. I encourage everyone to look for opportunities to embrace our global neighbors and demonstrate in tangible ways that they are not abandoned or forgotten. We all can make a difference in these desperate situations.

Very truly yours,

Ali A. Houshmand, Ph.D.