Celebrating the Class of 2021 in words and images

Celebrating the Class of 2021 in words and images


Rowan University celebrated Commencement ’21 May 8-13, and what a week it was!

Gathering virtually for the University’s main ceremony on Saturday, we followed it up with 20 college- and school-level programs Monday through Thursday on University Green.

More than 3,600 Rowan graduates out of some 5,600 in the Class of ’21 took part in this year’s festivities.

We are all so very #RowanPROUD and send our best wishes to the Class and congratulations to all!

Watch the full virtual program, featuring an address by 12-time Olympic medalist Dara Torres, and visit the links below to see our stories in words, photos and video.

Visual storytelling with hundreds of hundreds of photos and video clips

Our highlights video

Stories about remarkable graduates from each of our schools and colleges

News coverage of Rowan at our best

Links to livestreams of each ceremony

Hundreds more photos in our Facebook Commencement photo album