Georgetown’s Beeck Center touts Rowan's dedication to first-gen students and rising research
Georgetown’s Beeck Center touts Rowan's dedication to first-gen students and rising research

A recent report by Georgetown University’s Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation finds that Rowan University may have found the higher education sweet spot: it is a fast-rising, nationally-ranked research institution that has remained true to undergraduate education, particularly first-generation students.
The Beeck Center’s report, Rowan University: A Blue-Collar Soul, describes an institution that, under President Ali A. Houshmand, embraced opportunities for growth and research without losing a focus on undergraduate learners.
Rowan, which the Chronicle of Higher Education has ranked as the fourth fastest-growing research university in the nation, has seen enrollment climb from about 11,000 students in 2011 to about 20,000 students today.
In particular, the Beeck Center report credits Houshmand’s vision and energetic leadership, especially with regard to the downtown Rowan Boulevard redevelopment project, the success of Rowan Global, partnerships with community colleges that increased access and made education more affordable, and construction of the South Jersey Technology Park.
Under Houshmand, the University also founded Camden’s Cooper Medical School of Rowan University in 2012, the first new medical school in New Jersey in more than 30 years, and one year later acquired the School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford.
“By seeking new sources of revenue, affiliating with other colleges, and looking for ways to grow enrollment without taking on the added cost of building and maintaining more than it had to, Rowan was able to carefully manage the bottom line,” the report concluded.
Inaugurated in 2012 after six years as provost, Houshmand, Rowan’s seventh president, has made a hallmark of his tenure a commitment to keeping undergraduate tuition and fees low, to increase access to a high quality undergraduate degree and to leverage the University as an economic engine for the region.
“As Rowan continues to distinguish itself as the fourth fastest-growing research university in the nation, our commitment to excellence in undergraduate education remains essential to who we are, who we serve and what we are accomplishing together,” Houshmand said. “The Beeck study observes that Rowan is exceptionally prepared to help drive recovery from the pandemic and continue to provide growth opportunities for individuals and organizations who value vibrant and innovative public higher education.”
To learn more about Rowan’s transformation, watch this video.