Help yourself, help your neighbor, help your school

Help yourself, help your neighbor, help your school


Dear Students,

Some questions have come up about how Rowan is reporting cases of COVID-19 and providing support for students. As always, accurate data makes it possible for us to know who to help and how to do it best. Here are four critical things to know as Rowan students who are dealing with COVID-19:

  1. Report if you’re positive for COVID-19: If you get positive results from a test site other than Rowan’s on-campus program (another county or an off-campus lab or clinic), tell us ( or Even if you don’t have symptoms or already recovered, you’re part of the Rowan student body and we need to count your positive results in public health data.

  2. Rely on quarantining at Triad Hall Apartments: If you need to quarantine, Triad is set up to house students safely and provide meals, medical services, student services and virtual instruction to students temporarily living there. We will help transport you and look after you at Triad.

  3. Reach out about cases and concerns: If you are concerned about your health or someone else’s, ask for help. The Wellness Center and other resources are ready for virtually every scenario, but we need to know who needs guidance, support and resources. 

  4. Your health information: We will protect your health information records, as always, according to law. We respond to needs and report health statistics so we can help Rowan students recover and keep our community safe. If you share health information with faculty, advisors or other non-health care staff, they may share it with us or encourage you to share it to help ensure your well-being.  

If we don’t know how COVID is affecting you, we can’t help you. Call 856-256-4333 for every item above or visit for more information.  Remember to share concerns using this form, even anonymously. 

Thank you for caring about our community and helping make it healthier for everyone.

Kevin Koett
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students

Scott Woodside
Director, Student Health Services