Rowan announces a return to in-person classes this fall
Rowan announces a return to in-person classes this fall

Rowan University has announced plans for an integrated return of students, faculty and staff to campus this fall.
The plans include a full on-campus semester with flexible study options starting Tuesday, Sept. 1, and concluding following final exams week, Friday, Dec. 11 to Thursday, Dec. 17.
Classes for Fall 2020 will include a mix of in-person, online and hybrid sessions as well as a new “HyFlex” (hybrid flexible) format that will include expanded online resources and the ability for virtually all face-to-face classes to be taken synchronously from a remote location. Full details regarding the operating platforms for each course will be released in July.
Rowan University President Ali A. Houshmand said the return to campus, and all of the educational and social engagement that entails, will be implemented in four phases in accordance with government protocols for minimizing the chance of infection from coronavirus.
“As always, the health and safety of the Rowan community is our top priority,” Houshmand said. “To accomplish our goal of reopening campus, we have developed an extensive plan that offers safe and flexible options for participating in classes and activities in compliance with government directives, public health guidance and higher education best practices.”
The University invested significant resources in IT infrastructure to help ease the return to campus and will be building out an increased capacity of smart classrooms as well as additional faculty tools for simultaneous remote instruction. These enhanced technologies will enable a return to fully online instruction should that become necessary.
For residential students, housing will be established through a multi-faceted system that adheres to social distancing and health-related risk reduction guidelines. When students return to residence halls, the University will clearly communicate expectations, policies and protocols.
Four-phase return
The University is now in Phase 1 of a full return to campus. Phase 1 includes only essential employees on-campus or in medical offices with all other employees working remotely. In the coming weeks, phases 2-4 will rollout as follows:
Phase 2: The University begins a staggered return to campus, with departments that need access to equipment and records being the first to return (e.g., Bursar’s Office, Financial Aid, Facilities, Residential Learning and Research). Staging departments, as well as staggering employees, will provide for more effective implementation, testing and refining of environmental and public health protocols.
Phase 3: Other staff return, but under strict guidelines. This phase primarily will include staff in other departments including clerical/administrative employees, Human Resources, Library, etc.
Phase 4: Return of faculty and students under guidelines to be developed and adapted as public health initiatives dictate.