Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Dean Named to Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee
Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Dean Named to Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Robert A. McDonald has appointed Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, Dean and Professor of Medicine at the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, to serve on the VA National Academic Affiliations Council (NAAC).
Dr. Cavalieri’s appointment succeeds American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) President and CEO, Stephen C. Shannon, DO, MPH, who has served on the committee since it was established in October 2011. Dr. Cavalieri was nominated by AACOM for his support of innovative medical education programs to train the next generation of physicians, as well as for his experience developing systems supporting high-quality care for an aging population.
The VA projects there are approximately 9.8 million veterans over the age of 65 in the United States. Dr. Cavalieri’s experience will be advantageous in the NAAC’s role advising the VA on partnering with its academic affiliates to support programs that train the future physician workforce to care for our nation’s aging veteran population.
“As a former NAAC representative, I am confident that Dr. Cavalieri’s perspective and expertise will be invaluable as the VA seeks to optimize academic affiliations and enhance performance standards for VA programs,” said Dr. Shannon.
In addition to his role as Dean and Professor of Medicine at Rowan’s School of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Cavalieri serves as the Osteopathic Heritage Endowed Chair for Primary Care Research. His extensive knowledge of medical education is evidenced by his appointments to multiple federal and state advisory committees and leadership in many national-level professional associations, including AACOM, where he currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Deans. Dr. Cavalieri has also been widely recognized for invigorating the School of Osteopathic Medicine as a campus of the future, and cultivating interprofessional collaboration in health education, research and clinical care.
In response to this appointment, Dr. Cavalieri said, “I look forward to working with my fellow NAAC appointees and other members of the health professions academic community to provide recommendations that better align the missions and operations of the VA and its academic affiliates.”
NAAC, a 14-member advisory committee, was established to provide recommendations to the Secretary and Under Secretary for Health on opportunities to enhance planning and coordination between the VA and our nation’s health professions schools and universities.
For more information on NAAC, visit the NAAC website.