'Policing the High Seas': Greenpeace co-founder Paul Watson to speak at Rowan University

'Policing the High Seas': Greenpeace co-founder Paul Watson to speak at Rowan University

Marine conservationist Paul Watson describes his group’s work fighting the illegal slaughter of whales as “pirates of compassion…hunting down and destroying pirates of profit.”
Founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the most aggressive and most effective international marine conservation enforcement organization in the world, Watson will bring his message of conservation to Rowan University on Thursday, April 23, during a talk at 4 p.m. in the Eynon Ballroom of the Chamberlain Student Center.
His presentation, “Defender of the Environment: Policing the High Seas,” is part of the Presidential Lecture Series.
The exploits of Watson and his group as they worked to intercept the Japanese whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary were chronicled in “Whale Wars,” last year’s seven-part “Animal Planet” television series.
“The slaughter of great whales has no place in the 21st century,” Watson says in a presentation currently airing on “You Tube.” “The problem is that we have all the rules and regulations and the treaties we need to protect the world’s oceans, but we don’t have any enforcement.
 “We have to stand up and say, ‘Look, we’re going to take matters into our own hands as individuals, as caring and compassionate people. And we’re going to fight back because the one thing that is worth fighting for on this planet Earth is life.
“The oceans are dying in our time,” he continues, “and if the navies of the world had any sense of responsibility, they would be protecting the oceans instead of playing silly little war games with each other.”
Watson’s talk is free and open to the public and is part of the University’s observance of Earth Day.