With Hip Hop Abs class, Rowan alumnus offers a different type of six pack

With Hip Hop Abs class, Rowan alumnus offers a different type of six pack


As part of Rowan University’s annual Alcohol Awareness Week, alumnus and fitness guru Shaun Thompson will teach his popular “Hip Hop Abs” class to hundreds of students on Thursday, Oct. 18.

Classes will be held at 12:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. in the University’s Recreational Center. Each class is expected to draw more than 100 students.

Thompson, a 2001 Rowan graduate with a bachelor’s degree in health and exercise science with a minor in theater and dance, is the creator of the “Hip Hop Abs” fitness videos. In addition to his exercise career, he has danced with superstars such as Mariah Carey and Nick Carter.

Thompson’s classes are part of Thursday Night Live, the final event in the University’s alcohol-free week. In addition to Thompson’s classes, Thursday Night Live boasts a variety of free activities for students, including refreshments, video games, laser tag and other sports.

“I remember meeting Shaun in July 1999 when he wasn’t even teaching group exercise yet,” said Laurie Dwyer, assistant director of fitness/wellness at the Rec Center. “By the end of that year, he was a star in the group exercise room. I can’t wait to have him back at Rowan to support our event. He has been a role model to all of our students.”