Rowan Today


On Thursday, May 9, the Rowan-Virtua Rita & Larry Salva School of Nursing & Health Professions (SNHP) and the Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences (TBES) came together to celebrate the graduates of the class of 2024 in a ceremony held on Rowan University’s main campus.
On Thursday, May 9, the Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine (SOM) community celebrated as 202 new doctors crossed the stage as graduates of the class of 2024.
The first five fellows in the U-RISE at Rowan University training program tossed their tassels during this week’s Commencement ceremonies, representing another milestone in the University’s rapid rise toward becoming a Carnegie-classified R1 institution, among the nation’s most active research universities.
Due to the expected inclement weather on Thursday, May 9, all of Rowan University’s planned Commencement ceremonies will be held in Esby Gymnasium. ALL guest tickets will be honored (including “University Green Only” tickets).
Season Two of the Rohrer College of Business production started April 26.
Rowan University’s new complex biological systems program has produced its first Ph.D., marking another milestone in its fast-rising research portfolio. Dr. Graham Davis of Philadelphia successfully defended his dissertation under the guidance of Dr. Maggie Panning Pearce, associate professor of biological and biomedical sciences in the College of Science & Mathematics.
Commencement at Rowan University is always a very big deal, but this year it’s positively huge, coming as it does amid the Centennial celebration.
The history-making event marked a major milestone in Rowan’s development over the past decade from a Carnegie-classified master’s university to R2 (doctoral institution with high research activity) and, soon, to R1 (doctoral institution with very high research activity).
New research led by the University of Leicester (UK) and Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (USA), published in The Lancet medical journal, introduces a groundbreaking approach to treating amblyopia, commonly known as 'lazy eye', in children. Amblyopia is the most prevalent visual disorder among children, affecting roughly 1-5% of the pediatric population worldwide. The Lancet is one of the world's highest-impact academic journals.
Given in recognition of outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported disciplines, the prestigious, five-year fellowship provides an annual stipend for three years, along with financial support for tuition and fees, as well as access to professional development opportunities.