Rowan Today


Sponsored by TD Bank and produced by the Rowan Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, the program encourages rising high school juniors and seniors to apply an entrepreneurial lens to challenges posed by the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
A message from the President: With more than 23,000 students and 4,000 employees, Rowan University is larger than many municipalities throughout New Jersey. Every day we enjoy suburban college campus settings thanks to the dedication of a highly trained group of public safety professionals who enable each of us to better serve our students and for our students to pursue their education. To better define its role as the safety, security and emergency management division of our institution, the Department of Public Safety will change its name to the Rowan University Police Department effective July 1.
Internationally-recognized and award-winning violist Sheila Browne will join Rowan University’s College of Performing Arts this year as arti...
Exploring science and nature through fine arts. Meet Sam Horowitz, sculptor.
New center to foster wellness and growth through expressive arts that heal and inspire.
Material returned from space in September 2023 contains carbon, nitrogen and organic compounds, all of which are essential for life on Earth.
Could the protein emerin reveal targets for new therapies? Meet James Holaska, biochemist and cell biologist.
Ten men were honored for their completion of MOCHA, a College of Education program that prepares men of color to be teachers in New Jersey schools.
Rowan University's Board of Trustees has approved a Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget that includes a $10 million increase in scholarships and waivers over last year’s budget.
Rowan researchers are pursuing new ways to study and treat preeclampsia and other diseases of pregnancy using nanoparticles—very tiny spheres that can be used to deliver nucleic acids or therapeutic drugs to specific tissues.